Steve Hubbard | DIFY

Business Name: Dify Social (Australia)
Profession: Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM) - Social Media Marketing
University: Monash University – Master of Marketing
Location/s: Footscray (City of Maribyrnong), Sunshine (iHarvest, Brimbank City Council)
Years in Business: 14th as a Consultant, 11th as a 'Do it for you' Social Media Marketer
Previous Types of Employment/Jobs: Sport & Recreation Consultant & Community Development Manager 'with and for' Local Government – including Recreation & Culture Manager at the City of Rockingham (2000-2007, WA), Leisure Policy & Planning Coordinator at Brimbank City Council (2008-2009, Vic) & @leisure (2010-12)

Spouse/Partner: Huong | Children: Finn, Tatum, Oliver (8) | Pets: Would like to foster a greyhound (with wife’s permission!)
Hobbies: Play beach volleyball whole heartedly | Activities of Interest: Zoo, museum, faith, AFL (holiday surfer & kayaker!) | Weekend event staff (security) on MCG arena & Caulfield mounting yard
Car: Holden Captiva |  Laptop: MacBook Pro (LG Monitor) | Phone: iPhone

DISC Profile (Free via Tony Robbins)
Very High I = Influence; Very Outgoing and Persuasive, Very People Oriented, Quite Optimistic Outlook, Strong Communication Skills, Likes to have Variety in the day
High D = Dominance; Assertive, Results Focused, Rapid Decisions, Will Seek Challenges, Can Be Aggressive and Impatient (beware!), Desires to Lead

My burning desire is to: to have fun and do good across Australia & beyond
Something no one would know about me: I was Cable Beach Club Resort’s (Broome, WA) first ever Guest Activities Coordinator in the early nineties
My key to success: do what you're good at; do what you're passionate about; and do what you can make a living out of! (oh and don't let anyone else tell you what success should look like)

GOALS: For Dify Social to be known for small business social media marketing - with successful Uni qualified Marketers across Australia & beyond!

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Have established and provided social media marketing services with and for 500+ clients since 2012. Awarded Anthill Top 100 Cool Company (award in 2015 & 2018). AMI National Marketing Awards judge (2018). Through B1G1 provide safe space to children (Vietnam), computer education to indigenous children (Australia) and more.

INTERESTS: Beach volleyball player, sports enthusiast, former Freo supporter, now Western Bulldogs member, ol’ school surfer, church goer who enjoys quality time with family – going to zoo, museum & road trips and returning to regular travels ‘home’ to Perth & Hanoi.

NETWORKS: Fresh Networking, BNI, Wyndham Biznet, Marketers Club, Melbourne Marketing Forum, Australian Marketing Institute (AMI), Franchise Council of Australia VIC / Tas (Coffee Club), VCCI, Localised network, Melbourne Beaches Volleyball Association, Life Melbourne.

SKILLS: Master of Marketing, AMI Certified Practising Marketer (CPM), B.App.Sc Sport & Recreation – have been developing a social media marketing model for small businesses since 2012 i.e I did 10,000+ hours early, which qualifies me as an outlier (ref Malcom Gladwell)!

CONTACT SPHERE: Best referral partners are typically; Business / Marketing Coaches, Web developers, SEO professionals & Photographers / Videographers



APPOINTMENTS: To book a quick chat, '1-to-1' or social media 'audit & consult' online ( with Steve you can check availability and arrange a time via Calendly Best times are often Tue &  Thu after 3.30pm or Fri from 9.30am-2.30pm AEST.

WATCH [YouTube] 🎶 Steve Hubbard representing 🤛 on TikTok

Last Page Update; 16 July, 2024